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Articles |
My FishesUpdated during October, 2023. |
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On this page, I have listed some of the fishes I have kept in the past and/or keep currently.
This is NOT a stocklist! There are no fishes for sale from me on my website.
Several of the fishes listed on this page are not compatible with each other.
The fishes were kept separated, or grouped, into different aquariums, depending on their needs, sizes and behaviours.
Marine saltwater:o Marine saltwater fishesFreshwater and/or brackish water:o Catfisheso Cichlids o Labyrinthfishes o Livebearers o Loaches o Rainbowfishes o Tetras o Various fishes |
Acanthurus triostegus | Acanthurus zebra Chaetodon triostegus |
Convict tang |
Triostegus kirurgfisk |
Reeflex |
Amphiprion frenatus | Amphiprion polylepis Prochilus polylepis |
Red tomato clown |
Tomatclown |
Reeflex |
Amphiprion ocellaris | Amphiprion bicolor Amphiprion melanurus |
Common clownfish Ocellaris clownfish Clown anemonefish False percula clownfish |
Vanlig clownfisk Ocellaris clownfisk Falsk percula clownfisk |
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Reeflex |
Amphiprion sebae | Mörk clownfisk |
Reeflex |
Centropyge bicolor | Chaetodon bicolor | Bicolor angel |
Tvåfärgad dvärgkejsare Blågul dvärgkejsare |
Reeflex |
Centropyge bispinosa | Centropyge bispinosus Holacanthus bispinosus |
Coral beauty angel Twospined angelfish |
Reeflex |
Ctenochaetus striatus | Acanthurus striatus | Lined bristletooth Fine-lined bristletooth Striped bristletooth Striped bristle-tooth |
Striatus kirurgfisk |
Reeflex |
Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis | Yellowfin fairy wrasse |
Reeflex |
Cryptocentrus cinctus | Yellow shrimp goby Yellow shrimp-goby Yellow shrimpgoby Yellow prawn-goby |
LiveAquaria Reeflex |
Ecsenius bicolor | Salarias bicolor | Two-colored blenny |
Bicolor blennid |
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Reeflex |
Gobiodon okinawae | Yellow coral goby Yellow coral-goby Yellow coralgoby Yellow clown goby |
Gul mini goby |
Reeflex |
Gramma brasiliensis | Brazilian basslet |
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Reeflex |
Manonichthys splendens | Pseudochromis splendens | Splendid Pseudochromis |
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Reeflex |
Odonus niger | Balistes erythrodon Odonus erythrodon Xenodon niger |
Redtoothed triggerfish Blue triggerfish |
Blå tryckarfisk |
Reeflex |
Pictichromis diadema | Pseudochromis diadema | Purple-top dottyback |
Reeflex |
Pomacentrus sp. perhaps Pomacentrus coelestis |
Misspelled synonym: Pomacentrus coelistis |
Neon damselfish |
Neon frökenfisk |
LiveAquaria Reeflex |
Pomacentrus sp. perhaps Pomacentrus similis |
Similar damselfish |
LiveAquaria Reeflex |
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia | Cheilinus hexataenia Pseudolabrus hexataenia |
Six-line wrasse Six-lined wrasse Sixlined wrasse Sixstripe wrasse |
Reeflex |
Rhinecanthus aculeatus | Balistes aculeatus | Picassofish White-banded triggerfish Blackbar triggerfish Lagoon triggerfish |
Picassofisk |
Reeflex |
Salarias fasciatus | Blennius fasciatus | Jewelled blenny Jewelled rockskipper Sailfin/algae blenny |
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LiveAquaria Reeflex |
Stonogobiops nematodes | Black-rayed shrimpgoby Black-ray goby Filament-finned prawn-goby Hi fin red banded goby |
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LiveAquaria Reeflex |
Synchiropus splendidus | Callionymus splendidus Neosynchiropus splendidus Pterosynchiropus splendidus |
Mandarin dragonet |
Reeflex |
Zebrasoma flavescens | Acanthurus flavescens | Reeflex |
Zebrasoma velifer | Acanthurus velifer Zebrasoma veliferum |
Reeflex |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Ancistrus sp. "similar to natural wildform" |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Bristlenose pleco Bushynose catfish Bushynose pleco Natural bristlenose catfish Bristlenose catfish (wildform) Ordinary bristlenose catfish Common bristlenose catfish Common bristlenose Common ancistrus |
Vanlig ancistrusmal Naturlig ancistrusmal Vanlig ancistrus Vanlig skäggmunsmal |
![]() Photo Article |
Ancistrus sp. "gold with red eyes" |
suckermouth armoured catfish (Breeding variant) |
Albino bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose Albino bushynose catfish Albino bushynose pleco Red eyed gold bristlenose catfish Red eyed gold bristlenose pleco Red eyed gold bristlenose Red eyed gold ancistrus Gold albino ancistrus |
Guldancistrus (med röda ögon) Albinoancistrus (guld) Albino guldancistrus Albino guld ancistrus |
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Chaetostoma sp. Trade name: Chaetostoma thomsoni Several species of Chaetostoma are sold under that name, but likely to be other species. Perhaps: Chaetostoma formosae or maybe Chaetostoma tachiraense |
Misspelled synonyms: Chaetostoma thomasi Chaetostomus thomsoni |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Rubbernose pleco Rubberlip pleco Rubber pleco |
Bulldog-mal Rundnospleco |
PlanetCatfish Chaetostoma PlanetCatfish C. formosae PlanetCatfish C. tachiraense PlanetCatfish C. thomsoni |
Corydoras aeneus Corydoras(ln7) aeneus |
Callichthys aeneus Corydoras macrosteus Corydoras microps Hoplosoma aeneum |
armored catfish |
Bronze catfish Bronze corydoras Aeneus cory |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras gossei Corydoras(ln9) gossei |
armored catfish |
Palespotted cory Palespotted corydoras Pale-spotted corydoras |
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PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras hastatus Corydoras(ln4) hastatus |
Microcorydoras hastatus Corydoras australe |
armored catfish |
Dwarf corydoras Dwarf catfish Diamond tail cory Hastatus cory Tail spot pygmy cory Tail spot pygmy catfish Micro catfish |
Dvärgpansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras julii Corydoras(ln9) julii |
No actual synonyms. Warning! Can be confused with: Corydoras trilineatus and also with Corydoras leopardus (Other species, not synonyms.) |
armored catfish |
Leopard cory Leopard corydoras Leopard catfish True julii |
Leopard pansarmal Julii-pansarmal Julii pansarmal Äkta julii |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras panda Corydoras(ln9) panda |
armored catfish |
Panda corydoras Panda catfish |
Panda-pansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras pygmaeus Corydoras(ln4) pygmaeus |
armored catfish |
Pygmy corydoras Pygmy catfish |
Pygmé-pansarmal |
![]() Photo (Fry) |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras schultzei "Venezuela black" Corydoras(ln7) schultzei "Venezuela black" |
Corydoras aeneus "black" Corydoras aeneus 'black' Corydoras sp. "schultzei black" There is controversy if Corydoras schultzei should be under the name Corydoras aeneus, or if it should be its own species. "Venezuela black" is i a dark color morph breeding variant spread from Germany. |
armored catfish (Breeding variant) |
Black schultzei |
Venezuela black Svart pansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras sterbai Corydoras(ln9) sterbai |
armored catfish |
Sterbai cory Sterba's corydoras Sterba's cory catfish Sterba's corydoras catfish Sterbas corydoras catfish |
Sterba's pansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Corydoras trilineatus Corydoras(ln9) trilineatus |
Corydoras dubius Corydoras episcopi Warning! Can be confused with: Corydoras julii and also with Corydoras leopardus (Other species, not synonyms.) |
armored catfish |
Threestripe corydoras Three line catfish Three stripe corydoras Leopard catfish False leopard catfish False julii corydoras False leopard cory False leopard corydoras |
Falsk julii Leopardpansarmal Falsk leopardpansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
"Giraffe catfish" A member of the family Claroteidae and subfamily Auchenoglanidinae. The exact species is difficult to identlify with certainty. The families and subfamilies have recently been revised. ID by pictures online is unreliable, at this point in time. Perhaps Auchenoglanis sp. or perhaps Notoglanidium sp. or perhaps Parauchenoglanis sp. |
Auchenoglanis Notoglanidium Parauchenoglanis Auchenoglanis Notoglanidium Parauchenoglanis PlanetCatfish Auchenoglanidinae PlanetCatfish Auchenoglanis PlanetCatfish Notoglanidium PlanetCatfish Parauchenoglanis ScotCat Claroteidae Auchenoglanis Notoglanidium Parauchenoglanis Zoopet Giraffnosmal |
Hemiancistrus sp. "L128" |
Possibly a natural color variant of Hemiancistrus subviridis, which is also known as L200. L200 is green, while L128 is blue. L128 (L-128, L 128) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
(L-128, L 128) Blue phantom pleco |
(L-128, L 128) Blå fantompleco |
PlanetCatfish L128 |
Hypancistrus zebra "L046" |
(L-046, L 046, L46, L-46, L 46) There are other variants: L098 (L-098, L 098, L98, L-98, L 98) L173 (L-173, L 173) + breeding variants. |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
(L-046, L 046, L46, L-46, L 46) Zebra pleco Imperial pleco |
(L-046, L 046, L46, L-46, L 46) Zebra pleco Zebra sugmal Zebra harneskmal |
![]() Photo (Males) |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Probably: Hypostomus cochliodon |
Cochliodon cochliodon (LDA-051, LDA 051, LDA51, LDA-51, LDA 51) L310 (L-310, L 310) Can be confused with Hypostomus soniae L137 or with Hypostomus basilisko or with Hypostomus sp. L360 |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Brown-eyed cochliodon Apricot pleco |
Rostpleco |
PlanetCatfish |
Megalechis thoracata "natural wildform" |
Callichthys exaratus Callichthys longifilis Callichthys personatus Callichthys thoracatus Hoplosternum personatus Hoplosternum thoracatum Megalechis personata |
armored catfish |
Black marble hoplo Hoplo catfish Hoplo armoured catfish |
Prickig hoplo Prickig hoplosternum Långsträckt pansarmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Several different: Otocinclus sp. |
I have kept several different species, bought as Otocinclus sp. They have been difficult to ID. A few of these may belong to other related genera, but most should be Otocinclus. It is difficult to tell them apart, with several similar looking species. |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Probably: Otocinclus vittatus |
Rhinelepis paraguensis Misspelled synonym: Rhinolepis paraguensis Historically missidentified as several other species of Otocinclus. |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Common otto |
Vanlig otto Randig otocinclus Bandsugmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Panaqolus maccus | Panaque maccus (LDA-022, LDA 022, LDA22, LDA-22, LDA 22) L104 (L-104, L 104) L162 (L-162, L 162) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Clown panaqolus Clown panaque Clown plecostomus Ringlet pleco |
Clown panaqolus Clown panaque Clown sugmal Clown harneskmal |
PlanetCatfish P. maccus PlanetCatfish Spawning Zoopet |
Parotocinclus spilosoma | Plecostomus spilosoma | suckermouth armoured catfish |
Guldprickig pitbull-mal |
PlanetCatfish P. spilosoma PlanetCatfish Spawning Zoopet |
Peckoltia compta "L134" |
Peckoltia sp. "L134" Peckoltia sp. 'L134' L134 (L-134, L 134) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Leopard frog pleco |
L134 Peckoltia Leopardgrodpleco Leopards grodpleco |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Platydoras armatulus | Doras armatulus This species is historically missidentified as: Platydoras costatus Sometimes also confused with: Orinocodoras eigenmanni |
thorny catfish |
Southern striped Raphael Striped talking catfish Humbug catfish Chocolate doradid Chocolate catfish Thorny catfish |
Vanlig chokladmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Probably: Pseudacanthicus cf. leopardus |
(LDA-007, LDA 007, LDA7, LDA-7, LDA 7) L114 (L-114, L 114) Can be confused with other similar looking cactus plecos. |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Demini leopard cactus pleco |
Deminis leopard kaktuspleco |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Pseudorinelepis sp. "L095" |
Pseudorinelepis cf. genibarbis May perhaps actually be Pseudorinelepis genibarbis However, L095 does not look exactly the same as L152, that may perhaps also be Pseudorinelepis genibarbis (L-095, L 095, L95, L-95, L 95) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Orange cheek pinecone pleco Spotted pine-cone pleco Pine-cone pleco Spotted pine-cone pleco |
Orangekindad tallkotte-pleco Orangekindad pleco Tallkotte-pleco Prickig tallkotte-pleco |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps "natural wildform" |
Ancistrus gibbiceps Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Hemiancistrus gibbiceps Liposarcus altipinnis L165 (L-165, L 165) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
Gibby Leopard pleco Leopard sailfin pleco Sailfin pleco Sail fin pleco Spotted sailfin sucker catfish |
Gibbiceps Gibbicepsmal Segelfenspleco Leopardharneskmal |
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PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus "natural wildform" |
Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus L001 (L-001, L 001, L1, L-1, L 1) L022 (L-022, L 022, L22, L-22, L 22) |
suckermouth armoured catfish |
L001 pleco L001 sailfin pleco L001 sail fin pleco L001 joselimaianus L001 gold spotted sailfin sucker catfish |
L001 segelfenspleco L001 harneskmal L001 joselimaianus |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Synodontis eupterus | Synodontis macrepipterus Misspelled synonym: Synodontis euptera |
Featherfin upside down catfish Featherfin squeaker Featherfin synodontis |
Eupterus vändmal Fjäderfens synodontis |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Synodontis nigriventris | Misspelled synonym: Synodontis nigroventris |
Small upside down catfish Blotched upsidedown catfish Blotched upside-down catfish |
Vändkölsmal Liten vändkölmal Liten vändmal Vändmal |
PlanetCatfish Zoopet |
Synodontis sp. probably Synodontis lucipinnis or possibly Synodontis petricola |
from Lake Tanganyika |
from Lake Tanganyika |
från Tanganyikasjön |
to steve PlanetCatfish Scotcat |
Synodontis sp. | brown upside down catfish |
brun vändmal |
Synodontis sp. possibly Synodontis budgetti or possibly Synodontis ansorgii |
brown upside down catfish |
brun vändmal |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Aequidens diadema or |
Acara diadema | cichlid |
or sp. "jenaro herrera" |
eller |
Amatitlania nigrofasciata "natural wildform" |
Archocentrus nigrofasciatus Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus Heros nigrofasciatus |
cichlid |
Convict Zebra cichlid |
Zebraciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Amatitlania sajica Still called Cryptoheros sajica, or Archocentrus sajica, on online sources that has yet to update the name. |
Archocentrus sajica Cichlasoma sajica Cryptoheros sajica |
cichlid |
Sajica |
Sajica-ciklid Sajicaciklid Sajica |
![]() Photo (Female) |
NCS Zoopet |
Andinoacara pulcher "natural wildform" |
Aequidens pulcher Aequidens pulchrus Acara pulchra Astronotus pulchra Coeruleacara pulchra Cychlasoma pulchrum |
cichlid |
Blåciklid (vildfom) |
NCS Zoopet |
Anomalochromis thomasi | Haplochromis thomasi Hemichromis thomasi Paratilapia thomasi Pelmatochromis thomasi |
cichlid |
Thomas' dwarf cichlid Thomas' dwarfcichlid Thomasi dwarf cichlid Thomasi dwarfcichlid Thomasi jewel cichlid Thomasi jewelcichlid |
Tomasciklid Thomasi ciklid Tomatciklid Afrikansk fjärilciklid Afrikansk fjärilsciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Apistogramma borellii | Apistogramma aequipinnis Apistogramma reitzigi Heterogramma borellii Heterogramma ritense Heterogramma rondoni Misspelled synonym: Apistogramma borelli |
cichlid |
Umbrella apisto Borellii cichlid Borelli's dwarf cichlid Borellii dwarf cichlid Borellii dwarf Borellii apisto Yellow dwarf cichlid |
Borellii dvärgciklid Gul dvärgciklid Blå borelli |
![]() Photo (Male) |
NCS Zoopet |
Apistogramma cacatuoides "double red" |
cichlid |
Cockatoo dwarf "double red" Cockatoo apisto "double red" Crested dwarf cichlid "double red" Double red: Both the dorsal fin and the caudal fin are red. |
Kakaduciklid "dubbelröd" Kakaduaciklid "dubbelröd" Kakadua ciklid "dubbelröd" Dubbelröd: Både ryggfenan och stjärtfenan är rödfärgade. |
![]() Photo (Male) |
NCS Zoopet |
Apistogramma macmasteri Uncertain identification. Often confused with: Apistogramma viejita |
cichlid |
Macmasteri cichlid Macmasteri dwarf cichlid Macmaster's dwarf cichlid Macmaster's apisto Macmasteri apisto |
Macmasteri ciklid Macmasteri dvärgciklid Rödstjärtad dvärgciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Apistogramma viejita Uncertain identification. Often confused with: Apistogramma macmasteri |
cichlid |
Viejita cichlid Viejita dwarf cichlid Viejita apisto |
Viejitas ciklid Viejita ciklid Viejita dvärgciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Astronotus ocellatus | Lobotes ocellatus | cichlid |
Tiger Oscar Marble cichlid Velvet cichlid |
Oscar |
NCS Zoopet |
Cichlasoma amazonarum | cichlid |
NCS Zoopet |
Cleithracara maronii | Acara maronii Aequidens maronii Misspelled synonym: Cleithracara maroni |
cichlid |
Nyckelhålciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Crenicichla regani | cichlid |
Regani pike cichlid |
Regan´s gäddciklid Regani gäddciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Herichthys carpintis | Cichlasoma carpintis Cichlasoma laurae Neetroplus carpintis Misspelled synonym: Cichlasoma carpinte Warning! Often confused with: Herichthys cyanoguttatus (Another species, not synonym.) |
North American cichlid |
Lowland cichlid |
Carpintis ciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Herichthys cyanoguttatus | Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum Cichlasoma pavonaceum Heros pavonaceus Parapetenia cyanostigma Misspelled synonym: Herichthys cyanoguttatum Warning! Often confused with: Herichthys carpintis (Another species, not synonym.) |
North American cichlid |
Texas Rio Grande cichlid |
Texas ciklid Pärlemorciklid Rio Grande-ciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Herotilapia multispinosa "yellow eye" |
Archocentrus multispinosus Cichlasoma multispinosum Astronotus multispinosus Heros multispinosus |
cichlid |
Yellow-eyed rainbow cichlid |
Gulögd multispinosa-ciklid Gulögd mellanamerikansk regnbågsciklid Gulögd centalamerikansk regnbågsciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Hypselecara temporalis | Acara crassa Cichlasoma crassum Cichlasoma hellabrunni Cichlasoma temporale Heros goeldii Heros temporalis |
cichlid |
Emerald cichlid Temporalis |
NCS Zoopet |
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis | Cichlasoma balteatum Cichlasoma nicaraguense Cichlasoma spilotum Copora nicaraguensis Herichthys nicaraguensis Heros balteatus Heros nicaraguensis Hypsophrys unimaculatus Neetroplus nicaraguensis Theraps nicaraguensis |
cichlid |
Nickie Nicaraguense |
Nicaragua-ciklid Nicaraguense |
NCS Zoopet |
Laetacara curviceps | Acara curviceps Aequidens curviceps |
cichlid |
NCS Zoopet |
Laetacara thayeri | Acara thayeri | cichlid |
NCS Zoopet |
Lamprologus multifasciatus Still called Neolamprologus multifasciatus on online sources that has yet to update the name. |
Neolamprologus multifasciatus | from Lake Tanganyika |
Multifasciatus shell dweller Multifasciatus shelldweller |
Multis snäcklekare Mångbandad snäckskalslekare Mångbandad snäcklekare |
NCS Zoopet |
Mesoheros festae Still called Cichlasoma festae on online sources that has yet to update the name. |
Cichlasoma festae Herichthys festae Heros festae Nandopsis festae |
cichlid |
Red terror cichlid Festae cichlid Festae Guayas cichlid |
Festae ciklid Festae Röd terrorciklid Röd terror ciklid Röd terror |
NCS Zoopet |
Maylandia callainos | Metriaclima callainos Pseudotropheus callainos Pseudotropheus zebra "B morph" Pseudotropheus zebra "cobalt" Pseudotropheus zebra "pearly" |
from Lake Malawi |
Cobalt blue zebra Cobalt blue zebra cichlid Cobalt blue mbuna Bright blue zebra Ice white cobalt zebra Pearl white zebra Pearl white Pearl zebra |
Koboltblå zebra Ljusblå zebra Isblå zebra Callainos |
NCS Zoopet |
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi "colorful wildform" |
Apistogramma ramirezi Papiliochromis ramirezi Misspelled synonym: Microgeophagus ramirezi |
cichlid |
Ram cichlid German blue ram (Colorful wildform) |
Fjärilsciklid (Färgstark vildform) |
![]() Photo (Female) |
NCS Zoopet |
Nannacara anomala | cichlid |
Goldeneye dwarf cichlid Golden-eyed dwarf cichlid Dwarf goldeneye cichlid Golden dwarf cichlid |
Grön bågfenciklid Grön bågfensciklid |
![]() Photo (Male) |
NCS Zoopet |
Neolamprologus leleupi | Lamprologus leleupi Lamprologus longior |
from Lake Tanganyika |
NCS Zoopet |
Oreochromis angolensis | Sarotherodon angolensis Tilapia angolensis |
Angolansk tilapia Storläppad Oreochromis |
Parachromis managuensis | Cichlasoma managuense Herichtys managuense Heros managuensis Nandopsis managuense Parapetenia managuensis |
cichlid |
Jaguar-cichlid Jaguarcichlid Jaguar guapote Jaguarguapote Spotted guapote Tiger guapote Guapote tigre Managua cichlid Managuense cichlid Managuense Aztec cichlid |
Jaguar ciklid Jaguar-ciklid Jaguar Jaguarguapote Guapotetiger Managua-ciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Paratilapia polleni | Paracara typus Paratilapia bleekeri |
from Madagaskar |
Black diamond cichlid Starry night cichlid Starry night Marakely (Common) Madagaskar cichlid |
(Vanlig) Madagaskar-ciklid (Vanlig) Madagaskarciklid Polleni Madagaskar-ciklid Polleni Madagaskarciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Pelmatolapia mariae Still called Tilapia mariae on online sources that have yet to update the name. |
Tilapia dubia Tilapia mariae Tilapia meeki |
Central African cichlid Lives in freshwater & |
Spotted tilapia Spotted mangrove cichlid Black mangrove cichlid |
Mariaciklid Maria-ciklid Maria ciklid Marys ciklid Mary's ciklid Mary´s ciklid Mariaeciklid Mariae-ciklid Mariae ciklid Marias tilapia |
NCS Zoopet |
Pelvicachromis pulcher | Pelmatochromis pulcher Pelmatochromis aureocephalus Misspelled synonym: Pelmatochromis aurocephalus |
cichlid |
Kribensis Kribensis cichlid Common krib Rainbow krib Red krib Pink kribensis cichlid Palette cichlid Rainbow cichlid Purple cichlid King cichlid |
Vanlig palettciklid Röd palettciklid |
![]() Photo (Female) ![]() Photo (Male) Article |
NCS Zoopet |
Pelvicachromis silviae | cichlid |
![]() Photo (Female) ![]() Photo (Male) |
NCS Zoopet |
Pelvicachromis taeniatus | Pelmatochromis taeniatus | cichlid |
This species may alternatively be named after point of origin and/or specific color variant. |
Arten namnges alternativt efter fångstplats och/eller specifik färgvariant. |
NCS Zoopet |
Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi | Paratilapia nicholsi | Nicholsi dwarf mouthbrooder |
Nicholsi dvärgmunruvare |
NCS Zoopet |
Pterophyllum scalare "gold" |
See "similar to natural wildform" ⇓ | cichlid (Breeding variant) |
Guldskalar |
NCS Zoopet |
Pterophyllum scalare "marble" |
See "similar to natural wildform" ⇓ | cichlid (Breeding variant) |
Marmorskalar |
NCS Zoopet |
Pterophyllum scalare "similar to natural wildform" |
Plataxoides dumerilii Platax scalaris Pterophyllum dumerilii Pterophyllum eimekei Pterophyllum scalaris Zeus scalaris Misspelled synonym: Pterophillum eimekei |
cichlid |
(common natural wildform) |
Skalar (vanlig naturlig vildform) |
NCS Zoopet |
Pterophyllum scalare Wildform: "Orinoco" |
See "similar to natural wildform" ⇑ | cichlid |
(Orinoco wildform) |
Skalar (Orinoco vildform) |
![]() Photo |
NCS Zoopet |
Rubricatochromis lifalili | Hemichromis lifalili | cichlid |
Red juwel cichlid Lifalili juwel cichlid Lifalili cichlid |
Lifalili rödciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Satanoperca leucosticta | Geophagus leucosticta Geophagus leucostictus Satanoperca macrolepis May be confused with: Satanoperca jurupari and other Satanoperca sp. |
cichlid |
Whitespot eartheater Guyana eartheater Leucosticta eartheater |
Guyana jordätare Vitprickig jordätare Falsk jurupari jordätare Falsk jurupari |
![]() Photo |
NCS Zoopet |
Steatocranus casuarius | Misspelled synonym: Steatocranus casuarinus |
cichlid |
African blockhead Buffalohead Humphead cichlid Lionhead Lumphead |
Lejonhuvudsciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Steatocranus tinanti | Gobiochromis tinanti Leptotilapia tinanti |
cichlid |
Långsmal lejonhuvudsciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Symphysodon aequifasciatus Wildform: "brown" There is also a "blue" wildform, but I have not kept it. |
Symphysodon haraldi Symphysodon axelrodi |
cichlid |
Brown discusfish Brown discus fish Common brown discus (wildform) |
Brun diskusfisk Brun diskus fisk Vanlig brun diskus (vildform) |
FishBase NCS Zoopet |
Symphysodon sp. Breeding variants: "golden sunrise" "red turqoise" "red snakeskin" "red royal blue" |
cichlid (Breeding variants) |
Discusfish Discus fish |
Diskusfisk Diskus fisk |
FishBase NCS Zoopet |
Thorichthys meeki | Cichlasoma hyorhynchum Cichlasoma meeki Herichthys meeki Thorichthys helleri meeki |
cichlid |
Firemouth cichlid Fire mouth cichlid Redbreasted cichlid |
Eldbuk-ciklid Eldbuk ciklid Eldbuksciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Trichromis salvini | Cichlasoma salvini Heros salvini |
North American cichlid |
Salvini Tricolor cichlid Yellowbelly cichlid Yellow belly cichlid |
Salvini ciklid Salvini |
NCS Zoopet |
Vieja bifasciata | Astronotus bifasciatus Heros bifasciatus Cichlaurus bifasciatus Cichlasoma bifasciatum Paraneetroplus bifasciatus Paratheraps bifasciatus Theraps bifasciatum Misspelled synonyms: Cichlosoma bifasciatum Paraneetroplus bifasciata |
North American cichlid |
Red speck cichlid Red-spotted cichlid |
Tvåbandad ciklid Rödprickig ciklid |
NCS Zoopet |
Vieja melanurus | Astronotus melanurus Cichlasoma hicklingi Cichlasoma melanurum Cichlasoma melanurus Cichlasoma synspilum Cichlasoma synspilus Cichlaurus hicklingi Cichlaurus melanurus Heros melanopogon Heros melanurus Paraneetroplus melanurus Paraneetroplus synspilus Vieja synspila Vieja synspillum Misspelled synonyms: Cichlosoma melanurum Paraneetroplus melanura Paraneetroplus synspila Vieja melanura |
North American cichlid |
Firehead cichlid Pastel cichlid Quetzal cichlid Quetzal Synspilum cichlid Synspilum Synspillum cichlid Synspillum |
Synspilum-ciklid Synspillum-ciklid Synspilum Synspillum Synspila |
NCS Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Betta splendens "blue veiltail" |
(Breeding variant) |
Betta fish Siamese betta Siamese fighting fish Siamese fightingfish |
Siamesisk kampfisk Slöjkampfisk Blå kampfisk |
Zoopet |
Ctenopoma acutirostre | Anabas acutirostris Anabas ocellatus Anabas ocellatus acutirostris |
Leopard bushfish Leopard ctenopoma Spotted ctenopoma Spotted climbing perch Spotted leaf fish Spotted bushfish |
Afrikansk klätterfisk |
Zoopet |
Osphronemus goramy "natural wildform" |
Osphromenus notatus Osphromenus olfax Osphromenus satyrus Trichopus goramy Trichopodus mentum Trichopode mentonnier Trichopus satyrus Misspelled synonyms: Osphromenus gourami Osphronemus gorami Osphronemus gourami Osphronemus gouramy |
Common giant gourami |
Vanlig jättegurami |
![]() Photo |
Zoopet |
Trichogaster lalius "natural wildform" |
Colisa lalia Colisa unicolor Polyacanthus lalius Trichopodus lalius |
Zoopet |
Trichopodus leerii "natural wildform" |
Trichogaster leerii Trichopus leerii Misspelled synonyms: Osphromenus leeri Trichogaster leeri Trichogaster leerri Trichopodus leeri |
Mosaic gourami Lace gourami Diamond gourami Leeri gourami Pearl leeri gourami |
Mosaicgurami |
Zoopet |
Trichopodus trichopterus "blue" |
Labrus trichopterus Osphromenus trichopterus Trichogaster trichopterus Trichopus trichopterus |
Blue gourami |
Blå gurami |
![]() Photo (Female) |
Zoopet |
Trichopodus trichopterus "marble" |
Labrus trichopterus Osphromenus trichopterus Trichogaster trichopterus Trichopus trichopterus |
(Breeding variant) |
Opaline gourami |
Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Poecilia sphenops "black molly" |
(Breeding variant) |
Black mollie Short-finned black molly Common black molly |
Svart sphenops molly Kortfenad black molly Vanlig black molly |
Zoopet |
Poecilia sphenops "gold" |
(Breeding variant) |
Yellow molly Gold mollie Yellow mollie Short-finned yellow molly Common yellow molly |
Guldmolly Guld molly Gul sphenops molly Kortfenad gul molly Vanlig gul molly |
Zoopet |
Poecilia reticulata "gold" |
See "natural wildform" ⇓ | (Breeding variant) |
Gold guppie |
Guldguppy |
Zoopet |
Poecilia reticulata "red cobra" |
See "natural wildform" ⇓ | (Breeding variant) |
Red snakeskin guppy |
Röd kobraguppy Röd ormskinnsguppy |
Zoopet |
Poecilia reticulata "natural wildform" |
Acanthocephalus guppii Girardinus guppii Girardinus reticulatus Lebistes poecilioides Lebistes reticulatus |
Guppie (wildform) Million fish (wildform) |
Guppy (vildform) Guppy (usprungsform) Miljonfisk (vildform) |
Zoopet |
Poecilia reticulata "yellow snakeskin" |
See "natural wildform" ⇑ | (Breeding variant) |
Zoopet |
Poecilia wingei "natural wildform" |
Poecilia sp. "endlers" Poecilia reticulata "endlers" |
Endler's guppy (wildform) |
Endlers (vildguppy) |
Zoopet |
Xiphophorus maculatus "red coral" |
See "similar to gray wildform" ⇓ | (Breeding variant) |
Korallplaty |
Zoopet |
Xiphophorus maculatus "similar to gray wildform" |
Platypoecilus aurata Platypoecilus cyanellus Platypoecilus maculatus Platypoecilus maculatus aurata Platypoecilus maculatus cyanellus Platypoecilus maculatus sanguinea Platypoecilus nigra Platypoecilus pulchra Platypoecilus rubra Platypoecilus sanguinea Poecilia maculata Misspelled synonyms: Poecilia maculatus Xiphorus maculatus |
Southern platyfish Southern platy |
Zoopet |
Xiphophorus hellerii "green natural wildform" Some sources spell: X. hellerii as X. helleri, ending with only one i (i) instead of two i (ii). |
Xiphophorus brevis Xiphophorus guentheri Xiphophorus hellerii guentheri Xiphophorus jalapae Xiphophorus rachovii Xiphophorus strigatus Assumed misspelled synonyms: Mollenisia helleri Poecilia helleri Xiphophorus guntheri Xiphophorus helleri Xiphophorus helleri brevis Xiphophorus helleri helleri Xiphophorus helleri strigatus Xiphorus helleri |
(common wildform) |
(vanlig vildform) |
Zoopet |
Xiphophorus hellerii "red" |
See "green natural wildform" ⇑ | (Breeding variant) |
Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Acantopsis sp. I'm not sure which species I used to keep, because there are several species that look very similar. The most common species in the aquarium hobby seems to be Acantopsis dialuzona with synonyms including: Acantopsis choirorhynchos (Acantopsis choirorhynchus) that are also in use. |
Horseface loach Horsenose loach Longfaced loach Long-nosed loach |
Hästnosgrönling Namn som ej bör användas, p.g.a. vilseledning: Hästnosmal |
![]() Photo This photo may, or may not, show the same species that I used to keep. |
Botia striata | Botia striata kolhapurensis Misspelled synonym: Botia striatus |
Thin-lined loach Thin line loach Candystripe loach Names that should not be used, because of risk of confusion: Tiger botia |
Zebrabotia Randig botia Godisrandig botia Namn som ej bör användas, p.g.a. förväxlingsrisk: Tiger-botia |
![]() Photo |
Zoopet |
Chromobotia macracanthus | Botia macracantha Botia macracanthus Cobitis macracanthus |
Clown loach |
Zoopet |
Cobitis sp. "Vietnam" | |||||
Probably: Misgurnus anguillicaudatus "natural wildform" |
Cobitis anguillicaudata Misgurnis crossochilus Misgurnus lividus Misgurnus fossilis anguillicaudatus Ussuria lepocephala Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied or ambiguous names. |
Dojo loach Pond loach Oriental weather fish |
Kinesisk väderål Kinesisk väderfisk Orientalisk väderål Asiatisk väderål |
Zoopet |
Probably: Pangio kuhlii |
Acanthophthalmus kuhlii Cobitis kuhlii Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied or ambiguous names, especially: Pangio semicincta (Another more common species, or ambiguous/questionable synonym.) |
Kuhlii Kuhli loach Coolie loach Coolie-loach Prickly eye |
Kuhlii Kuhliål Kuhliiål Ormgrönling Taggöga |
Zoopet |
Probably: Pangio myersi |
Acanthophthalmus myersi Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied and ambiguous names. |
Myer's kuhli Giant kuhli |
Stor kuhliål |
Probably: Pangio oblonga |
Acanthopthalmus javanicus Pangio javanicus Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied and ambiguous names. |
Unbanded kuhli loach Black kuhli Black kuhli loach Brown kuhli Brown kuhli loach Chocolate kuhli Cinnamon loach |
Svart kuhliål Obandad kuhliål Chokladkuhliål Kanelkuhliål |
Maybe: Pangio pangia |
Cobitis pangia Pangio cinnamomea Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied and ambiguous names. |
Black kuhli Black kuhli loach Brown kuhli Brown kuhli loach Chocolate kuhli Cinnamon loach |
Svart kuhliål Svart kuhlii Svart kuhli Kanelkuhlii Kanelkuhliål Brun kuhliål Obandad kuhliål Chokladkuhliål |
Zoopet |
Probably: Pangio semicincta |
Acanthophthalmus semicinctus Pangio semicinctus Misapplied synonyms: Acanthophthalmus kuhlii Pangio kuhlii Often confused with other species. Be aware of many misapplied and ambiguous names. |
Saddle kuhli Half-banded loach Half-belted loach |
Sadel kuhliål Halvbandad kuhliål |
Probably: Schistura cf. balteata |
Sumo loach II |
Sumo grönling II |
Probably: Syncrossus helodes |
Botia helodes | Banded loach Helodes tiger loach Tiger botia Lesser katy loach |
Helodes tigerbotia Tigerbotia |
Zoopet |
Yasuhikotakia morleti | Botia horae Botia morleti |
Skunk botia Hora's loach Mouse loach Cream loach Horae |
Skunk-botia Morleti/skunk-botia Morleti-botia |
Zoopet |
Yunnanilus cruciatus | Micronemacheilus cruciatus Nemacheilus cruciatus Misspelled synonym: Micronemacheilus curciatus |
(Brook loach) (Stone loach) |
Hovering zebra loach Stone loach |
Bandad dvärgbotia |
Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Glossolepis incisus FishBase: Glossolepis incisa |
Glossolepis incisus or Glossolepis incisa |
Red rainbow Salmon-red rainbowfish Lake Sentani rainbowfish Red Irian rainbowfish |
Röd regnbåge |
Zoopet |
Glossolepis pseudoincisus FishBase: Glossolepis pseudoincisa |
Glossolepis pseudoincisa or Glossolepis pseudoincisus |
Millenium rainbow Red millenium rainbowfish Tami River rainbowfish |
Millenium regnbåge Röd millenium regnbågsfisk Röd millenium regnbåge |
Glossolepis wanamensis | Lake Wanam-rainbowfish Lake Wanam rainbow Wanam rainbow Wanamensis rainbowfish Wanamensis rainbow Wanamensis |
Wanamensis regnbåge Wanam-sjöns regnbågsfisk Lake Wanam-regnbågsfisk Lake Wanam-regnbåge Smaragd-regnbåge Smaragd-regnbågsfisk |
Zoopet |
Melanotaenia boesemani "yellow" "orange" There is also a "red" variant, but I have not kept it. |
Boeseman's rainbow fish Boesemani rainbowfish Boesemani-rainbow Bosemani |
Boeseman's regnbågsfisk Boeseman´s regnbågsfisk Boesemani regnbågsfisk Boesemani regnbåge Boesemani-regnbåge Bosemani |
Zoopet |
Melanotaenia lacustris | Turquoise rainbowfish |
Kutubu regnbågsfisk Kutubu-regnbågsfisk Turkos regnbåge Turkos regnbågsfisk Turkosblå regnbågsfisk Lacustris-regnbåge Lacustris regnbågsfisk |
Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Boehlkea fredcochui or Knodus borki |
Microbrycon fredcochui | tetra |
Blue tetra or Bork's tetra Blue Peru tetra |
Moskitotetra eller Bork's tetra Blå Peru tetra |
Zoopet |
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi "natural wildform" |
Moenkhausia ternetzi Tetragonopterus ternetzi Misspelled synonym: Gymnocothymbus ternetzii |
tetra |
Black skirt tetra Black tetra Petticoat tetra High-fin black skirt tetra Blackamoor |
Sorgmantelstetra Sorgmantel |
Zoopet |
Hemigrammus erythrozonus "natural wildform" |
Cheirodon erythrozonus Hemigrammus gracilis |
tetra |
Glo-lite tetra Glolight Fire neon |
Glödbandtetra |
Zoopet |
Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae | Tetragonopterus sanctaefilomenae Moenkhausia filomenae |
tetra |
Red-eye tetra Red eye tetra |
Rödögonmoenkhausia |
Zoopet |
Nematobrycon palmeri "natural wildform" |
Nematobrycon amphiloxus | tetra |
Zoopet |
Paracheirodon axelrodi | Cheirodon axelrodi Hyphessobrycon cardinalis |
tetra |
Cardinal Red neon tetra |
Kardinal |
![]() Photo |
Zoopet |
Paracheirodon innesi "natural wildform" |
Hyphessobrycon innesi | tetra |
Neon |
Neon |
Zoopet |
Phenacogrammus interruptus "natural wildform" |
Alestopetersius interruptus Hemigrammalestes interruptus Micralestes interruptus |
Zoopet |
. |
and maybe variant |
or description |
or description |
Balantiocheilos melanopterus | Barbus melanopterus Puntius melanopterus Misspelled synonym: Balantiocheilus melanopterus |
Bala sharkminnow Silver shark Shark minnow Tricolor sharkminnow Tricolor shark |
Zoopet |
Known as Barbodes semifasciolatus "gold" |
Click this link for more info. | (Breeding variant) |
Gold-barb Goldbarb Schubert's barb Schuberti barb |
Guld-barb Guld barb |
![]() Photo & info |
Carnegiella strigata | Carnegiella strigata fasciata Carnegiella strigata marowini Carnegiella strigata strigata Carnegiella strigata surinamensis Carnegiella strigata vesca Carnegiella vesca Gasteropelecus fasciatus |
Marmor-bilbuk Marmorbilbukfisk Marmor-bilbukfisk Marmor bilbukfisk Marmorerad bilbuk Marmorerad bilbukfisk |
Zoopet |
Crossocheilus oblongus | Crossocheilus siamensis Epalzeorhynchos siamensis Labeo oblongus |
Real SAE Siamese algae-eater Real siamese algae eater |
Äkta siamensis Siamesisk algätare Äkta siamesisk algätare |
![]() Photo |
Zoopet |
Probably: Ctenolucius hujeta They may have been another species. They were given to me for free. After keeping them for a few months, they grew bigger and more aggressive. I eventually gave them to a dedicated monster fishkeeper. |
Ctenolucius insculptus Hydrocynus hujeta Luciocharax hujeta Luciocharax insculptus Xiphostoma hujeta |
Silver pike-characin Hujeta gar Silver gar Rocket gar Freshwater barracuda Freshwater needlefish |
Hujeta gädda Hujetas gäddtetra Silvergäddtetra Agujeta |
Zoopet |
Danio choprae | Misspelled synonyms: Brachydanio choprai Danio choprai |
Chopras danio Laxdanio |
Zoopet |
Danio rerio "natural wildform" (striped) |
Barilius rerio Brachydanio rerio Cyprinus chapalio Cyprinus rerio Danio lineatus Danio rerio Nuria rerio Perilampus striatus See "frankei" spotted breeding variant for its synonyms. ⇓ |
Zebrafish Striped danio |
Zebrafisk |
Zoopet |
Danio rerio "frankei" (Spotted breeding variant) |
See "natural wildform" for more synonyms of the species. ⇑ Below are only the synonyms of this spotted breeding variant. Brachydanio frankei Brachydanio rerio "frankei" Brachydanio rerio var. frankei Danio frankei |
(Breeding variant) |
Devario sp. Probably Devario aequipinnatus or possibly Devario browni or possibly Devario malabaricus |
Danio aequipinnatus or Danio browni or Danio malabaricus |
or Malabar danio or Devario browni |
eller Malabardanio eller Brownis rasbora |
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor "natural wildform" |
Labeo bicolor Misspelled synonym: Epalzeorhynchus bicolor |
Redtailed black shark Redtail shark Red tailed shark Redtail sharkminnow Red-tailed labeo |
Zoopet |
Misspelled, but provisionally accepted at FishBase: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum Several online sources: Epalzeorhynchos frenatus |
Labeo erythrura Labeo frenatus Misspelled synonyms, including two names in use: Epalzeorhynchos frenatum Epalzeorhynchos frenatus Epalzeorhynchus frenatus Labeo erythrurus |
Rainbow shark |
regnbågshaj |
Zoopet |
Erpetoichthys calabaricus | Calamoichthys calabaricus Erpetoichthys robbianus Herpetoichthys calabaricus Misspelled synonyms: Calamichthys calabarica Calamichthys calabaricus Calanichthys calabaricus Erpetoichthys calabaris |
Reed Ropefish Snakefish Snake fish |
Fenål Pansarål |
Zoopet |
Fundulopanchax filamentosus "Ouidah, Rep. of Benin" |
Aphyosemion amsingki Aphyosemion filamentosum Aphyosemion ruwenzori Nothobranchius amsingki Misspelled synonym: Nothobranchius amsinghi |
Plumed lyretail killi |
![]() Photo (Female) ![]() Photo (Male) |
Fundulopanchax gardneri | Gardner's killi Steel-blue Killifish |
Gardners killi Gardneri |
![]() Photo (Female) |
Zoopet |
Garra flavatra | Zoopet |
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri | Gyrinocheilus kaznakovi Gyrinocheilus monchadskii Psilorhynchus aymonieri |
(Gyrinocheilid) Family: Gyrinocheilidae (Algae eaters) |
Chinese algae eater Indian algae eater Sucker fish Sucking loa Sucker 'loach' Sucking 'loach' Sucking 'catfish' Siamese algae-eater Siamese algae eater Siamese headbreather Honey sucker Biforated carp This species has several generic or misleading english names. A problem occurs when people want to group it with other fishes, since it does not belong to either loaches, catfishes or carps. Algae eater seems non specific. The geographic area is misleading. It does not suck honey. Other species are also named Siamese algae-eater etc. |
Kinesisk algätare Algfrossare |
Zoopet |
Hypseleotris compressa | Eleotris compressus | Empire fish Carp gudgeon Northern carp-gudgeon Australian carp-gudgeon |
Kejsar gudgeon Röd kejsar gudgeon Compressa kejsar gudgeon Compressa kejsargobi Compressa kejsargoby Australisk röd kejsargudgeon Australisk röd kejsargobi Australisk röd kejsargoby Röd kejsargobi Röd kejsargoby Kejsargobi Kejsargoby |
Zoopet |
Pethia padamya | Puntius padamya Warning! Can be confused with several other species, especially: P. conchonius, P. ticto, or P. cumingii. (Other species, not synonyms.) |
Ruby barb |
Rubinbarb |
Zoopet |
Misspelled synonym: Polypterus ansorgei delhezi |
Delhezi bichir Barred bichir Bandback bichir Banded bichir |
Randig fengädda Randig ormfisk |
Zoopet |
Polypterus endlicherii endlicherii |
Misspelled synonyms: Polypterus endlicheri Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri |
Endlicherii fengädda Endlicheri fengädda |
Zoopet |
Polypterus senegalus senegalus "natural wildform" |
Polypterus arnaudii Polypterus senegalensis |
Senegal bichir Cuvier's bichir |
Vanlig fengädda Senegalfengädda Senegalesisk fengädda Afrikansk fengädda Dinosaurieål |
Zoopet |
Protopterus annectens annectens |
Lepidosiren annectens Lepidosiren tobal Protomelus annectens Protopterus anguilliformis Protopterus rhinocryptis Rhinocryptis annectens |
African lungfish Tana lungfish Mudfish |
Afrikansk lungfisk Slamfisk |
Zoopet |
Puntius titteya | Barbus titteya Capoeta titteya |
Koppar-barb Koppar barb Tusenbarb |
Zoopet |
Tanichthys albonubes | Aphyocypris pooni | White cloud minnow White cloud mountain fish White cloud |
Zoopet |
Trigonostigma heteromorpha | Rasbora heteromorpha Misspelled synonyms: Rasbora heteramorpha Rasbora heteromorpa Warning! Can be confused with: Trigonostigma espei and also with Trigonostigma hengeli (Other species, not synonyms.) |
Harlequin Red rasbora |
Kilfläckrasbora |
Zoopet |