
Zebra Plecos

Zebra Pleco L046 - Hypancistrus zebra - Two males

Fish, Zebra Pleco L046, Hypancistrus zebra, two males

Photo by Max Strandberg using Fujifilm MX-700.

English links: EN Wikipedia - FishBase - PlanetCatfish - Seriously Fish

Swedish links: SV Wikipedia - Zoopet

Location Sweden, Kalmar, one of my aquariums.
Light Only aquarium light.
Post editing Adjusted colors, retouching, resampled, cropped, sharpened.
Problems This photo was shot on the very first photo session I ever used a digital camera for aquarium photography.

A long time ago, when I photographed these zebra plecos, I did not know that they were both males. I was still hoping that they might be a male and a female and become a breeding pair. However, as they both continued to grow older, bigger and more mature, it eventually became clear that both of them were males.

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