A1 @Satpal_photography on YouTube:
🙆📸#shorts #trending #youtubeshorts #viral #trendingshorts
Using a smartphone as an external monitor.
Adam Gibbs @QuietLightPhoto on YouTube
Nature and landscape photography.
Adam Gibbs @QuietLightPhoto on YouTube:
Achieve Stunning Wildflower Shots with These Expert Tricks
Adorama @Adorama on YouTube:
How Many Megapixels Do You Need? | Ask David Bergman
Adorama @Adorama on YouTube:
RF or EF? Which Lens is BEST for Your Camera? | Ask David Bergman
Adorama @Adorama on YouTube:
Transform Your Corporate Headshots with This Simple Lighting Hack
with Gary Hughes
Alex Armitage @AlexArmitage on YouTube:
My Partner Finds Out How Much My Camera Gear Costs (this was a mistake)
Another Perspective @anotherperspective3076 (Jens Braun) on YouTube:
Bored at Home Photography Ideas!
Austin James Jackson @AustinJamesJackson on YouTube:
What does it mean to "expose to the right" in photography?
Belgium Digital
Be Okay Photography @BeOkayPhotography on YouTube:
This is Why I Never Give Up.
B&H Photo Video Pro Audio @BandH on YouTube:
5 Tips for Flash Portrait Photography with Scott Kelby
How to use flash for human portraits, both outdoors and in studio.
B&H Photo Video Pro Audio @BandH on YouTube:
Creative Concepts for Busy Photographer with Lisa Langell | OPTIC 2021
Several types of nature photography. Gallery wall collages.
B&H Photo Video Pro Audio @BandH on YouTube:
Crop vs. Full Frame - Which One Is Right For You?
B&H Photo Video Pro Audio @BandH on YouTube:
Lisa Langell: Photography is a Journey | OPTIC 2019
Photographic history. Why do I photograph? What is a photograph?
Brent Hall @BrentHall on YouTube:
Caffeinated Cameras @caffeinatedcameras on YouTube
A channel for people with severe Gear Addiction Syndrome,
and a good sense of humor.
Caffeinated Cameras @caffeinatedcameras on YouTube:
The Most Insane Camera Ever Made.
Camera Zone @camerazone_ on YouTube
Camera Zone @camerazone_ on YouTube:
Sony Announces NEW 247MP Medium Format Sensor
Chris Pieta @ChrisPieta on YouTube
Chris Pieta @ChrisPieta on YouTube:
I Was A Terrible Photographer Until I Did This
CNET @CNET on YouTube:
World's Largest Camera, the 3.2-Gigapixel LSST, Is Complete
Cody Mitchell @Codacolor on YouTube:
9 Years of Camera Setting Knowledge in 29 Minutes
The basics of the Exposure Triangle.
Cody Mitchell @Codacolor on YouTube:
9 Years of Photography Knowledge in 15 Minutes
Cody Mitchell @Codacolor on YouTube:
Why I Switched from Film to Fuji
Pros and cons of digital vs analog cameras.
Cutthroat Grip, Lighting & Stage @CutthroatGripLightingStage on YouTube:
The Film Experiment That Proved Editing Controls Emotion
How the Kuleshov Effect Changed Filmmaking Forever
How Juxtaposition Creates Emotion
Dani Connor Wild @DaniConnorWild on YouTube:
Canon R5 Mark II for 12 Days: What I Loved (and Hated)!
Daniel Aucoin @DanielAucoinFineArt on YouTube:
Finding STYLE in Photography. Need one?
Digital Photography Review (DPReview)
Digital Photography Review (DPReview):
What is global shutter: 3 ways it can change photography
DistPhoto @Distphoto on YouTube:
Film vs Digital - which is better in 2025
The absence of limitations is the enemy of art.
DIY Video Studio @DIYVideoStudio (Tosh Lubek) on YouTube:
Some android phones and digital cameras can be connected.
This tutorial explains two ways to connect them.
However, the latest devices may have additional options on how to do it.
DPReview TV @dpreview on YouTube
DPReview TV @dpreview on YouTube:
here's Nothing Magical About Medium Format Depth Of Field
DPReview TV @dpreview on YouTube:
What is Diffraction in Photography?
DPReview TV @dpreview on YouTube:
Why lower resolution sensors ARE NOT better in low light
Duade Paton @Duade on YouTube:
Before You Buy Gear: Key Lessons I've Learned
Duade Paton @Duade on YouTube:
Emily A. Price - Susan Sontag, On Photography
Fabian Fopp - Nature photography @FabianFoppNaturephotography on YouTube:
Micro Four Thirds, APS-C and Full Frame - My Opinion on Sensor Sizes
figandlight @figandlight on YouTube
fototripper @fototripper (Gavin Hardcastle) on YouTube
fototripper @fototripper (Gavin Hardcastle) on YouTube:
Can You Really Tell The Difference?
Medium Format Vs APS-C For Landscape Photography
fototripper @fototripper (Gavin Hardcastle) on YouTube:
Is Micro Four Thirds Any Good For Landscape Photography?
The OM1 MkII
Photography news, gear reviews, tutorials and community.
Fstoppers - Home > Education > Landscapes:
Take Photos About Things as Opposed Just ‘Of’ Things
Article by Robert K Baggs, inspired by a video by James Popsys.
Fstoppers @FStoppers on YouTube
Fstoppers @FStoppers on YouTube:
How Many MegaPixels Can A Human See?
Fstoppers @FStoppers on YouTube:
Lens Compression Doesn't Exist - Here's Why
Fstoppers @FStoppers on YouTube:
The Camera That Will Change Photography Forever
Gavin Hoey @GavinHoey on YouTube
Glenn Martin Photography @GlennMartinPhotography on YouTube:
Astrophotography Basics in 11 Minutes + HOW TO FOCUS!
Glenn Martin Photography @GlennMartinPhotography on YouTube:
Use This to NEVER Miss a Lightning Photo Again!
Gudmann & Gyda @PhotographingIceland on YouTube:
10 Creative Photography Mindsets |
Photography Ideas and the mindset of our photography business.
Staying creative, getting photography ideas and avoiding burnout.
Making a living from photography as a business.
Wildlife, landscape, nature and other types of photography.
Hayden Pedersen @HaydenPedersen on YouTube
Hayden Pedersen @HaydenPedersen on YouTube:
10 EASY Household Photography Ideas in Less than 100 Seconds
Hyun Ralph Jeong @HyunRalphJeong on YouTube
Hyun Ralph Jeong @HyunRalphJeong on YouTube:
Exposure Compensation Explained
Hyun Ralph Jeong @HyunRalphJeong on YouTube:
How to Shoot Manual in 10 Minutes - Beginner Photography Tutorial
Hyun Ralph Jeong @HyunRalphJeong on YouTube:
Lens Compression in Portrait Focal Lengths
Hyun Ralph Jeong @HyunRalphJeong on YouTube:
Photography Composition - Beginner Photography Tutorial
Ian Worth @ian_worth on YouTube:
Pro-Level Long Exposure Techniques that Often get Ignored!
Ian Worth @ian_worth on YouTube:
These Photography Habits Outperform Pricey Camera Gear!
Imaging Resource
infofinepixs @infofinepixs on YouTube
Several types of photography, including item photography.
infofinepixs @infofinepixs on YouTube:
Quick Video 2 Umbrella or Softbox in the Photo Studio 1
Several types of photography, including item photography.
Interesting Engineering @Interestingengineeringofficial on YouTube:
The evolution of photography
Here’s how photography has evolved over the past 200 years.
James Popsys @JamesPopsysPhoto on YouTube
Travel and adventure photographer from the UK.
Videos about landscape photography.
James Popsys @JamesPopsysPhoto on YouTube:
5 Ways To Take Better Photos...
An exercise to make your photos better.
Differences between taking pictures "of" someting vs "about" something.
James Popsys @JamesPopsysPhoto on YouTube:
A Very Simple Photography Tip.
Tip: Start long and zoom out to capture a scene.
James Popsys @JamesPopsysPhoto on YouTube:
My BEST Photography Tips for Intermediate/Advanced Photographers.
A compilation of nine helpful photography tips with examples.
Composition tips, editing pointers and photography theory advice.
James Popsys @JamesPopsysPhoto on YouTube:
This will make you a better photographer.
Cities might just be the best places for improving your photography.
Jamie Windsor @jamiewindsor on YouTube:
Wabi-sabi: When BAD PHOTOS are BETTER
Jan Wegener @jan_wegener on YouTube:
Canon R3 vs R5 | SURPRISING Results! | Are 24mpix ENOUGH? |
In the Field Review & Image Samples
Jan Wegener @jan_wegener on YouTube:
Canon Wildlife Camera Guide
Jason Vong @JasonVong on YouTube
Jason Vong @JasonVong on YouTube:
7 Photography Mistakes I See All Beginners Make
Joe Edelman | Award-Winning Photographer and Photo Educator:
Home > Photography Advice >
A Picture Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect – To Be Perfect!
Remember the WHY, article by Joe Edelman.
Kevin Raposo @kevinraposo on YouTube
Kevin Raposo is the founder of Speedy Photographer,
an online photography school, including video and marketing advise.
Kevin Raposo @kevinraposo on YouTube:
Are cameras DEAD? iPhone 15 Pro Max vs $10,000 CAMERA
Comparing the iPhone 15 Pro Max vs the Canon R5 and lenses.
Kevin Raposo @kevinraposo on YouTube:
How to Start a PHOTOGRAPHY Business in 2024
Kevin Raposo @kevinraposo on YouTube:
Thinking about making the switch to a MIRRORLESS CAMERA?
Kevin Raposo @kevinraposo on YouTube:
You NEED to try this! PHONE as MONITOR and RECORDER
RELIABLE, hard-wired method of using your Android PHONE
as an external monitor and recorder with a camera!
Kyle Nutt @KyleNutt on YouTube
Creative Photography x Video Transitions
Kyle Nutt @KyleNutt on YouTube:
5 Long Exposure Photography Ideas In 150 Seconds!
Kyle Nutt @KyleNutt on YouTube:
EASY PHOTO IDEA with EPIC RESULTS! 💦🤯 #photography #shorts
Leigh & Raymond Photography @LeighAndRaymond on YouTube:
Medium Format vs Full Frame Sensor Comparison -
Is bigger really better? Deep Dive
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube
Landscape photography.
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
5 STEPS to take ABSOLUTELY EPIC landscape PHOTOS – with any lens!
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
Fighting Uninspiredness as a Photographer!
You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take
Stop the moaning and just get out!
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
STOP using the wrong APERTURE.
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
Stop Using the Wrong Shutter Speed in Landscape Photography!
Mads Peter Iversen @MadsPeterIversen on YouTube:
The 7 Photography Mistakes I See All Photographers do!
Landscape photography.
Manny Ortiz @MannyOrtiz on YouTube:
I was WRONG about Medium Format (vs Full Frame)
Portrait photography.
Mark Bennett's Camera Crisis @MarkBennettCameraCrisis on YouTube:
Who Is The King Of APS-C Value - Tamron 17-70 or Sigma 18-50
Lens options with "good bang for the buck",
when upgrading from a normal APS-C kit zoom lens.
Mark Bone @markbone on YouTube:
Overrated: Camera features that don't matter [ft Gerald Undone]
Overrated, and/or underrated camera features.
Mark Denney @MarkDenneyPhoto on YouTube:
Changing This for 30 Days Improved My Photography!
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube:
Debunking the Crop Sensor Myth: Here's the Truth.
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube:
These Settings Will Improve 90% of Your Photos
Camera settings and photography concepts for better pictures.
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube:
WATCH NOW: This Information Could Save You Thousands
Fungus can grow in a lens.
Marcus Hutsell @MarcusHutsell on YouTube:
Arca Swiss - What is it? Plus Quirks, Pros, and Cons
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube
If you want to get professional quality results, on a budget.
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube:
10 Lenses that Make APS-C Better than Full Frame
Mark Wiemels @markwiemels on YouTube:
APS-C Special: This Lens Makes Full Frame Irrelevant
VILTROX 27 mm F1.2 APS-C prime lens.
Matt Granger @mattgranger on YouTube
Matt Granger @mattgranger on YouTube:
Flash duration, Sync Speed and Global Shutter - THE FULL PICTURE
Micael Widell @MicaelWidell on YouTube
Swedish Macro Photographer.
Insect photography, macro photography and photography in general.
Micael Widell @MicaelWidell on YouTube:
Slow Shutter Street Photography?
Micael Widell @MicaelWidell on YouTube:
Will This New Invention be the Death of Photography?
Mike Smith @mikesphotography on YouTube:
Photography Gear to AVOID! *What to Get Instead*
Morehackz - 40 Clever Camera Hacks... By Liezel L
Mrwhosetheboss @Mrwhosetheboss (Arun Maini) on YouTube:
Samsung S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Battle!
Mobile phone camera features and performance comparison test results.
Mrwhosetheboss @Mrwhosetheboss (Arun Maini) on YouTube:
The 2 Best Phone Cameras in the World.
Xiaomi 15 Ultra and the Xiaomi Concept Phone (Camera System).
neil fisher @neilfisher on YouTube:
Gimbals vs Sliders
Photography equipment for dynamic camera movements.
Nigel Danson @NigelDanson on YouTube
Landscape photography.
Nigel Danson @NigelDanson on YouTube:
7 PHOTOGRAPHY MISTAKES I see all the time
Landscape photography.
Nigel Danson @NigelDanson on YouTube:
7 SIMPLE photography TIPS I wish I knew EARLIER
Landscape photography.
Nigel Danson @NigelDanson on YouTube:
Do you REALLY need Full Frame? (APS -C Vs Full Frame Vs Medium Format)
Landscape photography.
Norman Koren Photography
Onemorecolour @Onemorecolour_studio on YouTube
Pangolin Wildlife Photography @PangolinWildlife on YouTube:
Three SIMPLE ways to BREAK The Rule of Thirds.
Paul Miguel Photography @PaulMiguelPhotography on YouTube
PetaPixel @PetaPixel (Chris Niccolls & Jordan Drake) on YouTube
PetaPixel @PetaPixel (Chris Niccolls & Jordan Drake) on YouTube:
iPhone 15 Pro & Pro Max Review for Photographers!
PetaPixel @PetaPixel (Chris Niccolls & Jordan Drake) on YouTube:
Panasonic G9 II vs OM System OM-1:
Which is the GREATEST Micro 4/3 camera?!
PetaPixel @PetaPixel (Chris Niccolls & Jordan Drake) on YouTube:
The BIGGEST Digital Camera Ever Made!
PhotographyExplained @Photography-Explained on YouTube
Photography Online @PhotographyOnline on YouTube
Photography Online @PhotographyOnline on YouTube:
3 Camera Budgets Compared, How To Use Your Tripod Like A Boss,
And A Photography Workshop.
Photography Online @PhotographyOnline on YouTube:
Sensor Size Pros and Cons | Coloured Filters for Contrast Control |
Launch of 2025 Photo Challenge
Photography With Antonio @PhotographyWithAntonio on YouTube:
My Wife Found Out How Much My Camera Gear Costs|
I shouldn't have told her.
Photography With Antonio @PhotographyWithAntonio on YouTube:
Stop Fungus growing in your cameras and lenses...
ProPhotographerCo @ProPhotographerCo on YouTube
Robin Wong @robinwong on YouTube:
7 Tips On Optimizing Dynamic Range For Olympus OM-D
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
5 Advanced Composition Techniques Used by Pro Photographers
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
5 Photography Composition Tips From a National Geographic Photo Story
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
5 Tips to Use the RULE OF THIRDS Like a Professional Photographer
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
How YOU can become a National Geographic Photographer with THESE 5 Tips!
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
Photography Tips (in 1 Minute) - A Frame in a Frame
Sean Gallagher - Pro Photographer @SeanGallagherPhotographer on YouTube:
Secrets to COMPOSITION in Photography
Sean Tucker @seantuck on YouTube
I’m more interested in the ‘why’ of photography than in the ‘how’.
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube
Nature, astrophotography, wildlife & bird photography.
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Does sensor size affect aperture? The TRUTH about CROP FACTOR.
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Do full frame cameras indeed have lower noise?
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Video by Simon d'Entremont, inspired by a video by James Popsys.
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Forget MANUAL MODE, PROS do it THIS way!
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
How many MEGAPIXELS is too many?
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
I didn't know my camera could do this the whole time!
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
The truth people often don’t believe
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
IS RAW BETTER? You may be surprised!
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Real world results from professional wildlife photographer Simon d'Entremont.
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Stop taking photos at the WRONG ISO!
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
The REAL TRUTH about LENS COMPRESSION. Fact or fiction?
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
DSLR vs mirrorless cameras explored
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
THIS is why your photos are boring
Simon d'Entremont @simon_dentremont on YouTube:
Learn how to get AMAZING RESULTS with entry-level gear!
SLR Lounge | Photography Tutorials @slrlounge on YouTube
SLR Lounge | Photography Tutorials @slrlounge on YouTube:
5 Biggest Differences Between Good and Great Photographers
SLR Lounge | Photography Tutorials @slrlounge on YouTube:
Choose Clients You Can Serve Well #shorts
SLR Lounge | Photography Tutorials @slrlounge on YouTube:
Exposure Triangle Explained |
Easy Way to Visualize Shutter Speed, ISO and Aperture in Photography
steeletraining @steeletraining on YouTube:
Flash Photography Tips
steeletraining @steeletraining on YouTube:
Lens Hoods - Why, When, and How to Use Them
Steve Perry @backcountrygallery on YouTube
Nature & wildlife photography.
Street Photography China @StreetPhotographyChina (Peter Lee) on YouTube:
How To Choose The RIGHT SD CARD for your camera in 2024 and
AVOID COSTLY mistakes!
SD storage media (memory cards) explanations and history.
Tech Guy Charlie @TechGuyCharlie on YouTube
Tech tutorials, in-depth reviews and more.
Tech Guy Charlie @TechGuyCharlie on YouTube:
Learn These 50 AWESOME Camera Features Of The S24 Ultra! 🔥😱
Techisode TV @TechisodeTV on YouTube:
You're only using 10%... (Top 50 Unknown Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Features!)
Mobile phone camera features of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.
TechNick @TechNick (Nicholas Brazer) on YouTube:
iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung S24 Ultra vs OPPO Find X7 Ultra vs Vivo X100 Pro
Camera Test Comparison
Testing day and night photos and videos across all camera sensors of these smartphones,
including the selfie cameras, as well as stability and microphone testing!
Tech to Remember @techtoremember8096 on YouTube
Tech to Remember @techtoremember8096 on YouTube:
2025 Ultimate Bridge Camera Guide & Comparison!
Terry Vander Heiden @tv510 on YouTube
The Photographic Eye @ThePhotographicEye on YouTube
The Photographic Eye @ThePhotographicEye on YouTube:
Until You Learn To See... Ernst Haas Shows You How
The Photography Toolkit: Dave Caleb @thephotographytoolkit on YouTube
The Photography Toolkit: Dave Caleb @thephotographytoolkit on YouTube:
Extension Tubes vs. Teleconverters: Close ups with a Telephoto Lens
The Photography Toolkit: Dave Caleb @thephotographytoolkit on YouTube:
Full frame cameras better than APSC for portraits
The Photography Toolkit: Dave Caleb @thephotographytoolkit on YouTube:
Full Frame Lenses on Crop Sensor Cameras Don't Work the Way You Think They Work
The Project Photography @TheProjectPhotography (Zachary Shimokawa) on YouTube:
Is The Nikon Z6 IIIs Pixel Shift GOOD ENOUGH
The Project Photography @TheProjectPhotography (Zachary Shimokawa) on YouTube:
The Project Photography @TheProjectPhotography (Zachary Shimokawa) on YouTube:
What Is The BEST Aperture To Use For Landscape Photography?
The ramblings of an entomologist @theramblingentomologist on YouTube:
A cheap old camera for macro photography
Nikon Coolpix 4500
The Slanted Lens @TheSlantedLens on YouTube
Thomas Eisl @ThomasEisl.Photography on YouTube
Thomas Eisl @ThomasEisl.Photography on YouTube:
Diffraction in Photography – Pixel Pitch, Sensor Format and More
Thomas Eisl @ThomasEisl.Photography on YouTube:
Sensors: Small or Large? Old or New? -
The Reality of Dynamic Range in Digital Photography
Thomas Eisl @ThomasEisl.Photography on YouTube:
Small Sensor – Low Light: Go Big or Go Home?
Shedding Light on Some Common Misconceptions
Thomas Eisl @ThomasEisl.Photography on YouTube:
The OM-1 Mark II – OM System’s Masterpiece Reviewed
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
Curved Leading Lines. Get your FREE camera settings cheat sheets.
Visit timsphotos.com
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
Fog Machine Landscape Photography (We won an award for this!) -
Smoke Machine
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
How to find a perfect reflection from a puddle.
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
How to Stack the Rules of Composition in your photos
Remember to use:
· Leading lines
· Rule of thirds
· Reflections
· Balance and symmetry
· Foregrounds
· Framing (Not mentioned this in the video, but still important.)
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
How to take good pictures of people
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
The Rule of Thirds is Boring.
Tim Shields @TimShieldsPhotography on YouTube:
Tim Shields - What photography means to me
Tin House Studio @TinHouseStudioUK on YouTube
Tin House Studio @TinHouseStudioUK on YouTube:
The Truth About Youtube Photographers Income
Tin House Studio @TinHouseStudioUK on YouTube:
Unlocking the Photographer's Secret: JUST DO THIS
Tin House Studio @TinHouseStudioUK on YouTube:
Why Do Bad Photographers Think They Are Good ?
Tin House Studio @TinHouseStudioUK on YouTube:
Zooming With Your Feet - NOT What You Think
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
6 Mistakes Pro Photographers Never Make
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
7 Biggest Mistakes For Beginning Photographer
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
7 tips to instantly nail sharp photos using mirrorless camera
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
How To Choose The Best Camera in 2023: Any Budget
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
How to nail sharp photos every time
Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer @TinManLee on YouTube:
This mistake ruins 90% of photos
TKNORTH @TKNORTH (Tim Northey) on YouTube:
Are Zoom Lenses Bad for Your Photography?
Learn to focus on composition.
Advantage of limited focal lenght.
Tomas Koeck @tomaskoeck on YouTube:
The Canon R3 – The FASTEST Camera EVER... But with a CATCH?
Tom Calton @TomCalton on YouTube:
This is the end of the D-SLR era. But is it?
Tom Rich @ItsTomRich on YouTube
Full time photographer and videographer, who also loves tech.
Tom Rich @ItsTomRich on YouTube:
PRO lenses for iPhone or Galaxy S24 Ultra?! G-Series Lenses!
Tom Rich @ItsTomRich on YouTube:
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs. $5,000 Pro Camera (Sony A7VI)
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
$20k Wildlife Cameras: Sony a1 vs Nikon Z9 vs Canon R5
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
5 Photo Myths BUSTED
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
ALWAYS change these 5 camera settings
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
BOKEH explained in intense detail
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
Diffraction WRECKS sharpness: Photography physics
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
Hasselblad X2D 100C 60s review!
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
Influencers RUINED Photography!
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
LIGHTEST Wildlife Cameras: Canon R7 vs OM-1!
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
Nikon is BACK!
Nikon's history + Nikon Z8.
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
The BEST wildlife camera money can buy
Video posted October 23, 2024.
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
The TRUTH about full-frame vs APS-C cameras!
Tony & Chelsea Northrup @TonyAndChelsea on YouTube:
The TRUTH about High Megapixel Noise
Viewfinder Mastery @ViewfinderMastery on YouTube
Master your craft and get inspired to TAKE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY FURTHER!
Viewfinder Mastery @ViewfinderMastery on YouTube:
How to Choose a Tripod (Don't Buy Without Watching!)
Tripod advice from Matt Anderson.
Vistek @vistek on YouTube:
Truth about sensor formats | with Michael Clark & GFX 100S
Visual Education @VisualEducationStudio on YouTube
Visual Education @VisualEducationStudio on YouTube:
7 FACTS For Better Image Quality -
Megapixels, Resolution, Image Sensor Size, Photosites???
Visual Education @VisualEducationStudio on YouTube:
Is Your Photography a Victim of Diffraction?
Fight Back with These Tips!
WaterfallJoe @WaterfallJoe (Joe Howard) on YouTube:
Why I Switched From Full Frame to Micro Four Thirds
Wikipedia EN - Angle of view (AOV in photography)
Wikipedia EN - Aperture
Wikipedia EN - Autofocus (AF)
Wikipedia EN - Bokeh
Wikipedia EN - Crop factor
Wikipedia EN - Depth of field (DOF)
Wikipedia EN - Diffraction
Wikipedia EN - Digital camera
Wikipedia EN - f-number (focal ratio / f-ratio / f-stop)
Wikipedia EN - Focal length
Wikipedia EN - Photography
Wikipedia EN - Shutter speed
Wikipedia EN - Videography
Wilder @officialwilder (Jeremy Neipp) on YouTube:
6.3 on MFT is NOT 6.3 on FF
Wolf Amri @wolfamri on YouTube
Wolf Amri @wolfamri on YouTube:
camera histogram -
how to read a histogram in photography and use it for your exposure
Zdenka Darula @ZdenkaDarula on YouTube:
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra BEST CAMERA SETTINGS | In-Depth Tutorial
Let's go through the native camera settings and
camera assistant app to bring more helpful features.
ZY Cheng @zy_cheng on YouTube
ZY Cheng @zy_cheng on YouTube:
Explained! The piece of rubber on your DSLR strap
ZY Cheng @zy_cheng on YouTube:
Shooting 400MP Photos on the $10,000 GFX100
(Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift)
ZY Cheng @zy_cheng on YouTube:
Why F22 Photos Are SOFTER Than F8 - Diffraction Explained!
ZJ Michaels @ZJMichaels on YouTube:
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Camera vs Full Frame Pro Camera
RAW-files image quality, side by side performance comparisons.
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (smartphone) vs Nikon Z7II (pro camera).
Landscape photography.