
Discus Links 

Discus FAQ
Discus FAQ
Updated during April, 2024.
Last link validation June 17, 2022.

  • Marc Weiss (A famous aquarium hobbyist who specializes in discus fish.)
    - YouTube - Mikolji @Mikolji - Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss
    Published February 8, 2014 [Original long full version, including making fish food. 1 h, 3 min, 40 s.]

    (Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss, who has some controversial opinions about fish food. I might not agree with everything, but he has some interesting thoughts and valid concerns. I think it is very good to sometimes try to see things from a different point of view, not simply going along with the mainstream. Challenge your thinking and see if there is perhaps something you can learn? Maybe you can derive new conlusions, on how you think nutrition works. There is still lots to be discovered. Understanding biology and nutrition can be a challenge, especially without enough research and facts available.)
    - YouTube - Mikolji @Mikolji -
       ↪ What you should NEVER feed your fish and other lessons on fish food diet by Marc Weiss

    Published March 5, 2021 [Short edit version. 10 min, 17 s.]
    (Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss. Look below the viewer on YouTube, for more info.)


Old Expired Discus Links on Web Archive:

Warning! These links do not go to active websites!
They go to archived versions of old websites.
They are like historical records.
The original websites may have since become inactive, replaced, moved or shut down.
The shops, companies and people may, or may not, exist anymore.
Some may have retired or moved on to other interests etc.



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